Amany Mohammed Safwat, Iman Abdullah Mohammed Abdulmutalib
Department Medical Surgical, Faculty of Nursing , Ain Shams University, Egypt.
Central venous catheters are often mandatory devices when caring for critically ill patients. Central venous catheters carry a particularly high risk of infection and these infections may be life threatening. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching program on Nurses’ performance regarding prevention of Central venous catheters related infections CVC-RI. Design: A quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: The study was carried out in ICUs of the Critical Care Units at Ain Shams University hospital. Sample: A convenient sample of all available nurses (119). Tools: The study tools were: 1) Nurses' self-administered questionnaire which was divided into two parts: a) demographic characteristics of the studied nurses. b) Nurses' knowledge towards prevention of CVC-RI pre/post and after one month. 2) Nurses' practice checklist, regarding prevention of CVC-RI pre/post and one month later after the teaching program. 3) Nurses' satisfaction questionnaire: towards the teaching program. Results: The findings of the study revealed that a statistically significant increased in the staff nurse’s knowledge and practices after implementation guidelines teaching program regarding prevention of CVC-RI, with the mean total score (79.56 ± 6.8 / 56.73 ± 26.88) / (90.25 ± 8.36 / 63.06 ± 6.2) respectively. The nurses with 10+ years of experience, scored satisfactory level of knowledge and practices. As well, the level of nurses' satisfaction regarding guidelines teaching program, post implementation, It was observed that 67.2% of the studied nurses were very satisfied and only 3.4% of them were very dissatisfied from the teaching program. Conclusion: teaching program had a statistical significant on the improvement of nurses' knowledge and practice regarding prevention of Central venous catheters related infections. Recommendations; Establishment educational services program and workshops in educational hospital for updating and refreshing the nurse’s knowledge and practice regarding guidelines for the prevention of CVC-RI.
December 2015