Asmaa Abd El Latif Abo-Hadeed*, Kamillia Ragab abo-Shabana** and Randa Mohamed Ebrahim**
Mubark Kohl Cairo University*, Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams University2
This study aimed to identify factors that influencing initiation of breast-feeding (BF) during fourth stage of labor among primipara mothers. The hypothesis of the study was most of the primipara mothers delayed in initiation of breast-feeding during the fourth stage of labor and there were many factors which influence initiation of BF among them. A descriptive study design was conducted in the immediate postnatal room at labor unit in Ain Shams Maternity University Hospital. Random sample technique was used to recruit 500 primpara mothers according to the study criteria. Two types of Tools were used for data collection 1.structured interviewing questionnaire to assess mothers' knowledge regarding breast-feeding 2.observation check list to assess mothers' practice. The period of data collection started from 15/10/2009 and completed by 15/8/ 2010. Results of the study revealed that, half of the studied mothers were educated, most of them (75%) were living in urban area. Most of them were seeking for antenatal care, only 22% of them received information about BF during pregnancy, while 14.2% had correct knowledge about the importance of breast-feeding, and 49% had correct technique of breast-feeding. 67.8% of primipara mothers had normal vaginal delivery with episiotomy. As regard time of initiation of BF, 37.2% of women started feeding through one hour. The study concluded that, there were many factors affecting initiation of BF as women’s age, educational level, residence, pregnancy complications, breast problems, BF advice, type of normal vaginal delivery, regular antenatal care, and gender of baby. Based on the results of this study the researcher recommends that, developing raising awareness material to improve pregnant women's knowledge and practice regarding early initiation of breast-feeding at antenatal clinic.
June 2011