Rasha Gomaa, Safaa Hashim, Eman Mostafa
Maternity/ neonatal Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common complex female endocrine disorders that offer no cure. The symptoms typically associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are a major source of psychological distress and can negatively affect quality of life (QoL). The study was done to assess Psychological correlates of quality of life of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome women. A descriptive study was done, a convenient sampling technique was used to include sampling research 154 women with PCOS from Ain Shams University Maternity Hospital. Two tools were used for data collection; Basic data assessment tool, and Psychological quality of life assessment tool (cronin et el., 1998;Guyatt et al., 2004); it covered the following assessment points; Fluctuating mood (2 assessment points), Depressed mood , Sadness due to infertility threat (3 assessment point) frustration of being misunderstand from others, Low self-esteem with undesired change in appearance (2assessment points), Easily tired & worried and Change in sexual activity. The results revealed that more than one third (42.9 %)of women with PCOS had poor QOL level regarding psychological domain. The most significant items in psychological disturbance were changes in sexual activity (less satisfied & less attractive) followed by low self esteem with undesired change in appearance and frustration of being misunderstood from others, the relation showed non statistically significant differences between women sociodemograghic characteristics in terms of age, education, occupation & Psychological QOL domain, while there was statistically significant difference between regularity of menstrual cycle & Psychological QOL domain. The study recommended that early detection of women with PCOS & effective management strategies for preventing and dealing with related psychological disturbances, further researches on larger sample to assess the effect of PCOS on psychological QOL & other to increase awareness of women about life style modifications to improve women's QOL through educational programs & brochures.
June 2011